Seaweed Extract Fertilizer for Agriculture

Seaweeds are one of the commercially important marine living and renewable resources. In agriculture seaweed extract fertilizer, is used as soil conditioner, fertilizers and green manure, due to the presence of high amount of potassium salts, micronutrients and growth substances. Sea weed extract fertilizer contains more than 60 trace elements, minerals, vitamins and several bioactive substances of economic value. Seaweed extract fertilizers will be useful for achieving production of higher agricultural production. Seaweed extract fertilizers contain plant growth hormones, plant growth regulators, growth promoters, trace elements, vitamins, amino acids, antibiotics and micronutrients.


  • Provides all essential nutrients
  • Enhances the yield
  • Increases resistance to the crop
  • Maintains soil health

Found in Nature

Found in Nature

Refined in The Lab

Refined in The Lab

Used Every Where

Used Every Where